Interact with third party case management and Worker's Compensation carrier personnel.
Provide emergency and episodic treatment of occupational and non-occupational injuries and illnesses.
Meet current state professional requirements regarding licenses and continuing education as required and necessary. This may be accomplished by but not limited to seminars, college courses, continued educational classes, workshops, and certification exams.
Maintain the workers' compensation records and provide case management.
Orient the employees on the importance of health related issues.
Assist in accident review meetings as appropriate to determine the act or condition that lead to the accident and the follow up on how to prevent the accident from occurring in the future.
May need to provide health training to the management staff at the facility. This includes but is not limited to, CPR and First Aid. Provide health promotion training to all employees.
Provide h...
จัดฝึกอบรมปฐมพยาบาลจัดเตรียมการเคลื่อนย้ายผู้ป่วย จัดนิทรรศการด้านสุขภาพ และโครงการส่งเสริมสุขภาพ มีสัญญากำจัดขยะที่ได้รับการรับรองจากหน่วยงานด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม ติดต่อขอใบเสนอราคาที่ 084-9831-223